Tag Archives: Salt and Light

Daily Mass: We are salt and light for the world. Catholic Inspiration

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Jesus elevates our human dignity, empowering us as salt and light to share the blessings we have with those around us.

Mass Readings – Memorial of St. Barnabas (#580/360)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

St. Barnabas, pray for us!

Daily Mass: We are the Lord’s salt and light. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Vladyslav Dukhin on Pexels.com

The Lord invites us to be salt and light in the world, enhancing every opportunity as we use the gifts that God has given us to bring life and love to those we meet.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 10th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

Study, Pray, Serve: 5th Sunday of the Year

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Let’s explore some of the themes in the readings for the 5th Sunday of the Year.

1st Reading – Isaiah 58:7-10

  • The prophet exhorts the people to corporal works of mercy: sharing food; sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, responding to the needs of others.
  • The Lord responds to us when we care for others, and the Lord’s light shines upon us.

Psalm – 112:4-9

  • “The just man is a light in darkness to the upright.”
  • Light shines upon those who care for the needs of others.

2nd Reading – 1st Corinthians 2:1-5

  • Paul reminds the people that he came to them speaking of Christ crucified.
  • He gave the message simply and without demonstrations of power, so that they would trust in God alone.

Gospel – Matthew 5:13-16

  • Jesus teaches that we are salt and light, meant to use what we have been given for the good of others.
  • When we let our light shine, we give glory to our heavenly Father.

Mass Readings – 5th Sunday of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: We are salt and light. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

The Lord teaches that we are salt and light in the world, but with a purpose. We are called to engage this life, adding joy and strength as we share the love of Christ with those around us.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 10th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: We are Salt and Light in the world. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Bella White on Pexels.com

Christ calls us to be Salt and Light in the world, sharing the blessings we have received with those around us.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 10th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Note: 24 years ago today I was ordained a priest, and I thank God for the gift of this vocation every day!

Daily Mass: We are salt and light. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The Lord exhorts us to be salt and light in the world, so that through the offering of our lives we share the blessings of God with those around us.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 10th Week of the Year


5th Sunday of the Year: Be salt and light! Catholic Inspiration

The Lord’s exhortation to be salt and light is an affirmation of human dignity and an invitation to share our lives with one another. As we reflect on what we do and how we do it, may we call upon Christ for the strength we need.

Mass Readings – 5th Sunday of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

5th Sunday of the Year: We are Salt and Light in the world.


Study:  Reflect on a time when you were able to help someone in a profound moment of need.  What gave you the “push” to help?

Pray:  Is there a situation in your life that requires action but you find yourself in need of guidance?  Bring this concern to the Lord in your prayer.

Serve:  How can you be Salt or Light to someone today?  How can your life enhance the quality and dignity of another?

Mass Readings – 5th Sunday of the Year

We see some beautiful themes surface in the readings this week:

  • 1st Reading – Through service to others God’s light will shine upon us
  • Psalm – “The just man is a light in darkness to the upright.”
  • 2nd Reading – We place our faith in the power of God
  • Gospel – “Salt of the earth” and “Light of the World”

Throughout these readings the Lord’s power is manifested every time we cooperate with God’s grace through works of charity and service.  Things like:

  • Share your bread with the hungry
  • Shelter the oppressed and homeless
  • Clothe the naked
  • Do not turn your back on your own
  • Remove oppression, false accusation, malicious speech
  • Satisfy the afflicted
  • Be gracious and lend
  • Conduct one’s affairs with justice
  • Give to the poor

When we do these things we discover that God provides the strength, wisdom, direction and guidance to carry them out.  The Lord takes our effort, reinforces it with grace, and blesses our work in ways we never imagined.  Like a brilliant light shining in the darkness, the glory of Jesus Christ pierces the pain and struggles of this life and offers us hope to continue on our way.

And when we let the Lord work through us we become Salt & Light.  Our lives, invigorated by God’s love, become conduits for Divine Charity to touch hearts and lives in our world today.  It is the Lord’s power at work in our lives, and we are blessed every time we say “Yes!” to the call of Christ to serve those in our midst.


Catholic Inspiration Archives


Note: This post was first published on January 30, 2017.

Daily Mass: You are salt and light. Catholic Inspiration

Jesus reminds us that we are salt and light – disciples called to live our faith in the world – so that when people see our good deeds they will give praise to our Heavenly Father.  May we offer our lives today, trusting that the Lord will take our offering and bless it with grace to continue Christ’s mission in the world.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 10th Week of the Year (St. Barnabas)


Catholic Inspiration Archives