Monthly Archives: February 2019

Daily Mass: Our goal is the Kingdom of Heaven. Catholic Inspiration

In light of the teaching of Jesus in the Gospel today, we can ask ourselves a simple question when confronted by any behavior, response, or action…is this leading me closer to Heaven, or farther away?

Mass Readings – Thursday of the 7th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: We are either with Jesus or against him. Catholic Inspiration

It’s not complicated.  Either we stand with the Lord or against him.  No matter how difficult, how challenging, and however many times we fail…may we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ.

Mass Readings – Wednesday of the 7th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: The Cross of Christ directs our lives. Catholic Inspiration

The interaction between Jesus and the Apostles offers an important spiritual insight.  When we keep the Cross of Christ before our eyes we are able to dispel petty disputes, irritations, and inconveniences as we focus on what is truly important.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 7th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

8th Sunday of the Year: What kind of fruit is growing in our hearts?

Study:  Reflect on a time when you have noticed others speaking or acting in ways that are contrary to their character.  How does their behavior affect your interactions with them?

Pray:  Are there situations where you are challenged to live out the teaching of Christ?  Ask the Lord for the grace to bear good fruit in your soul.

Serve:  Is there a difficult situation in your life that requires your action?  Ask the Lord for the wisdom and strength to make it happen.

Mass Readings – 8th Sunday of the Year

Both Sirach and Jesus offer some practical, earthy spiritual wisdom:

You will know the tree by the fruit it bears.

In other words, if you want to learn about the hidden parts of a person, then it is important to listen and observe the practical things that they say and do in a consistent manner over time.  If a fruit tree is diseased, the fruit will be affected.

With respect to our interactions with one another, this insight is particularly powerful as a way to understand the people in our lives.  Now mind you, for this to be effective we must look for patterns of behavior; anyone can “fake it” in the short run, but when we regularly and consistently speak and act over time our behaviors reveal the content of our hearts.

Have you ever heard of the “Waitress Rule” in business or leadership?  Some leaders will purposely take potential employees out for dinner to watch how they interact with servers.  What the leader is looking for is how the person treats the waiter or waitress – a person who has no power or authority.  If the person is respectful and kind it is often a good indicator that they will be the same way toward fellow employees; if the person is haughty, rude, demanding or in any way unpleasant…it is often an accurate indicator that they will be the same way at work.

You will know the tree by the fruit it bears.


Catholic Inspiration Archives

7th Sunday of the Year: Love your enemies. Catholic Inspiration

Yep, you heard that right.  Love your enemies.  Love one another when it’s hard and unpleasant and we don’t feel like it.  Love the people who push all our buttons and make us see red.  Love the people who have hurt us.  How?  By asking for the Love of Jesus Christ to dwell in our hearts.

Mass Readings – 7th Sunday of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: Transfigured glory before the Cross of Christ. Catholic Inspiration

Jesus is transfigured in heavenly glory before some of the disciples, and then he reminds them of the suffering and death that await him on the Cross.  Both of these elements help us to understand how we confront the grim challenges of life with a real and powerful hope.

Mass Readings – Saturday of the 6th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: St. Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus. Catholic Inspiration

On this feast of the Chair of St. Peter, we hear how Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the Christ.  The Lord affirms that Peter is the rock upon which the Church will be built, and while Satan will try to destroy it, the gates of the netherworld will not prevail.

Mass Readings – Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: God’s blessing on the gift of life. Catholic Inspiration

God states that the rainbow is a sign of the covenant between the Lord and all living things, reminding us that the gift of life is precious, holy, sacred…and meant to be lived to the best of our ability.

Mass Readings – Thursday of the 6th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: The gift of a second chance. Catholic Inspiration

Noah’s patience and hard work pay off as the flood recedes and humanity is given a second chance.  God never gives up on us, reminding us that today is another chance to begin again.

Mass Readings – Wednesday of the 6th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: Noah and the Ark. Catholic Inspiration

Noah builds the ark and preserves life as God permits the great flood to cover the earth.  It begs a question: what needs to be preserved in our lives…and what needs to be washed away?

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 6th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives