Monthly Archives: February 2018

Daily Mass: Greatness through service. Catholic Inspiration

Jesus addresses a dispute among the disciples by teaching them that the journey to greatness is discovered on the path of service.

Mass Readings – Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Lent


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Daily Mass: Washed clean with a humble heart. Catholic Inspiration

Isaiah exhorts the people to wash themselves clean.  Jesus shows how this cleansing happens when we serve one another with a humble heart.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Lent


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3rd Sunday of Lent: Cleaning House!

Study:  What needs to be cleaned up in your life?  What “messes” require care and attention?

Pray: Invite the Lord into your heart and ask him for the grace and strength to cast out what does not belong.

Serve:  How can you help someone clean up a part of their life?

Pastoral Note: The 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent provide an option for using the “Year A” readings at Mass for the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process, but for those who follow the usual cycle (this year it is “Year B”) the reflection is offered below.

Mass Readings – 3rd Sunday of Lent

About this time of year I start getting the itch to dig and clean out old items around the house. I start in those areas where things usually pile up, namely – CLOSETS! (You know, those places where we throw things that we are not sure if we need…)

I pull them out and ask a simple question, “Have I touched this in the last two years? Have I needed it, used it, thought about it? Or can I get rid of it?”
Sometimes we hold on to items (clothes for example) that we simply do not need. We do not use them, and they occupy and clutter space that takes away from other things. Since I am not generally a pack rat, I find this time of year refreshing; it is a way that I can simplify my life and focus on what I think is important.

In John’s Gospel we see Jesus doing his sort of house cleaning. Entering into the temple with a whip of cords, he systematically drives out those who are treating the temple like a marketplace. It is a rare glimpse of the Lord’s anger, and it reminds us of his passion and zeal for the House of God.

Yet we are reminded that buildings are not the only temples where God resides. St. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:16 “Do you not know that you are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” If the Lord was willing to drive out inappropriate behavior from the temple in Jerusalem, what will he drive out when he enters the temple of our hearts?

To help us, God provided the Commandments – that we might avoid the very things that harm us.  The first reading today proclaims these commandments, reminding us that God has provided a path to help us on our journey through life.  What’s more, these commandments reveal with swift clarity what is does not belong; they point out the very sins that can keep us from the Lord and one another.

In our moments of honesty we know that there are elements that need to be cast out. Sin is a part of our human condition, and all of us have fallen short of God’s grace in our thoughts, words, and deeds. We know that if the Lord were to come into our hearts he would discover secrets and fears that keep us from God and one another.

The point, however, is that God has come! The Lord Jesus, through his death and resurrection, comes through the Holy Spirit into our world. His victory over sin and death give us hope that we may have eternal life. We need not fear the darkness in our hearts; we can offer it to the light of Christ.

The Scriptures tell us that we are a temple. Experience tells us that within this temple there is sin. Yet faith tells us that not only will Jesus come driving out evil, but he will make a place to dwell there within our hearts. You see, it’s his house, too.


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Note: This post was first published on March 2, 2015.

2nd Sunday of Lent: Special graces for the journey. Catholic Inspiration

Peter, James and John had a profound experience on the mountain, and Abraham encountered an angel in his test of faith.  Both experiences were graces that came at different points of their journey through life.  As we follow the Lord through the regular practice of our faith may we take to heart any special graces we receive as gifts from God to continue on our path.

Mass Readings – 2nd Sunday of Lent


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Daily Mass: Love your enemies. Catholic Inspiration

While the phrase “love one another” sounds great when we like the people in question, the real test of faith occurs when it’s tough.   The command of Jesus to “love your enemies” will demand us to become like the Lord – who even forgave those who nailed him to the Cross.   To do this we call upon God for the grace we need to be filled with the love of Christ so that we can share his love in all moments of life…even when surrounded by enemies.

Mass Readings – Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent


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Daily Mass: Be reconciled with one another. Catholic Inspiration

The Lord makes is clear in the Gospel of Matthew that if someone has anything against us, we are commanded to go first and be reconciled.  Seeking forgiveness and being about reconciliation may be the hardest thing we do as Christians, yet it’s essential if we seek to follow Jesus Christ.

Mass Readings – Friday of the 1st Week of Lent


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Daily Mass: Who do you say Jesus is? Catholic Inspiration

When Jesus asks his disciples “Who do you say that I am?” Peter gets it right.  Jesus is the Christ, the Lord, the one who saves us from our sins and empowers us as Sons and Daughters of God.  Our acceptance of this reality transforms our lives with his light and power!

Mass Readings – Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle


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Photo Credit: Son of God, 2014.

Daily Mass: Looking for signs from the Lord. Catholic Inspiration

It’s human nature to be looking for a sign from God – guiding our actions and helping us to see the right path.  Jesus teaches in the gospel of Luke that we  don’t need any more signs…we have the Lord!  The task now?  To put our faith into practice.

Mass Readings – Wednesday of the 1st Week of Lent


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Daily Mass: The Lord’s Prayer. Catholic Inspiration

It’s a powerful prayer, and this gift from the Lord strengthens and directs our lives.  Only 55 words in English; may we pray it with conviction and conversion of heart.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent


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2nd Sunday of Lent: Sacrifice

Study:  Recall a sacrifice you have made recently.  What was it about this sacrifice that revealed your values and priorities?

Pray:  Ask the Lord for the grace to serve with your whole heart.  Pay attention to anything that is holding you back.

Serve:  Is there someone in your life who is struggling with priorities right now?  How can you help them?

Mass Readings – 2nd Sunday of Lent

What do you think is worth a personal sacrifice?  What would you be willing to give up for someone or something you believe in?

We learn a lot about ourselves by what we are willing to sacrifice.  Our values, personal convictions, and priorities all come into focus with the simple phrase:

Can I give that up?

We make sacrifices all the time.  Some are simple, others complex; some are demanding while others are the act of a moment.  Yet sacrifices reveal the depth of our hearts and our willingness to offer up our lives for something greater, something that we hold precious or valuable.

The thought that Abraham would be willing to offer up his only son – the child of God’s blessing to Sarah in her old age – strikes the modern hearer as barbaric and horrible.  It is a crime against nature: that the innocent could suffer such atrocity sounds more like something from Hell, not Heaven.

Yet Jesus Christ, innocent and without sin, will die a brutal death on the Cross…for us.  The atrocity that confronts us at Calvary reveals the value God places on our human souls – we are loved completely, entirely, and without thinking of the cost the Lord sacrifices his life to take our place for the evil we have done.

This is the power of the transfiguration in the Gospel of Mark.  Jesus, revealed in all his glory with Moses and Elijah, is God’s “beloved Son.”  Coming down from the mountain Peter, James, and John have no idea what lies ahead – they can only marvel at the awesome sight of Jesus as he stands in Heaven…the one who is honored for the sacrifice he makes.

Perhaps then, the real question for us pertains to those things to which we still cling.  What priorities and values do we place higher than Christ?  What is holding us back from embracing the Lord with all our heart?  I suggest considering the following thoughts:

  1. How does my use of TIME reveal my priorities?
  2. How does my use of MONEY reveal my values?
  3. How do I show the PEOPLE in my life that I love them?
  4. How do I live my faith in GOD each and every day?

And if there are things that are keeping me from God & others….

Can I give that up?


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Note: This post was first published on February 24, 2015.