5th Sunday of Easter: Our lives are fruitful when we are close to Christ. Catholic Inspiration

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The Lord’s command to be fruitful requires us to stay close to Christ and be open to the pruning of the Father.

Mass Readings – 5th Sunday of Easter (Year B, #53)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: We proclaim the Good News, even when it’s hard. Catholic Inspiration

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The crowd’s response to the preaching of Paul and Barnabas reminds us that our joyful proclamation of the Good News will bring moments of trial and difficulty.

Mass Readings – Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter (#284)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: Our trust in Christ gives meaning and purpose to our lives. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Pexels.com

Paul’s speech in the synagogue reveals his conviction that Jesus is the messiah who fulfills salvation history, giving meaning and purpose to our lives.

Mass Readings – Friday of the 4th Week of Easter (#283)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

The Feast of St. Mark, the evangelist. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

The First Letter of Peter offers an exhortation to live the gift of faith with vibrant conviction in the midst of our daily lives.

Mass Readings – Feast of St. Mark, evangelist (#555)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

St. Mark the Evangelist, pray for us!

Daily Mass: Discerning God’s plan through prayer, fasting, and the Holy Spirit. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Keegan Houser on Pexels.com

Paul and Barnabas are set apart after people have discerned God’s will through prayer, fasting, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Mass Readings – Wednesday of the 4th Week of Easter (#281)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

St. Fidelis of Signaringen, pray for us!

Daily Mass: We study our faith so we can share it. Catholic Inspiration

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As the Church grows, more and more people seek to learn about the faith and how it is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 4th Week of Easter (#280)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

St. George & St. Adalbert, pray for us!

Daily Mass: The Church continues to grow. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

Peter recounts a vision and an experience with some Gentiles how God’s salvation is now at work in all people by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Mass Readings – Monday of the 4th Week of Easter (#279)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Study, Pray, Serve: 5th Sunday of Easter

Photo by Janko Ferlic on Pexels.com

Here are some of the themes that we discover in the Mass readings for the 5th Sunday of Easter.

1st Reading – Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31

  • Saul arrives in Jerusalem and seeks to join the disciples, but they are afraid of meeting with him.
  • Barnabas takes charge of the situation, and explains how Saul has had a conversion of heart.
  • When Saul speaks boldly about Jesus, his life is threatened, and the disciples send him off to Caesarea to make his way to Tarsus.

Psalm – 22:26-28,30-32

  • “I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people.”
  • From the ends of the earth, all the families of nations proclaim God’s justice and praise.

2nd Reading – 1st Letter of John

  • We have confidence in God as we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.
  • Believing in the name of Jesus Christ, we love one another as he commanded us.

Gospel – John 15:1-8

  • Jesus teaches his disciples that he is the vine, we are the branches, and his Father is the vine grower.
  • We fulfill the Father’s will when we bear fruit by remaining in Jesus and become his disciples.

Mass Readings – 5th Sunday of Easter (Year B, #53)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

4th Sunday of Easter: We follow the Good Shepherd. Catholic Inspiration

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The Lord teaches the disciples that he is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.

Mass Readings – 4th Sunday of Easter (Year B, #50)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: Peter works healing miracles in the name of Christ. Catholic Inspiration

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Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit and calling upon the name of Jesus, heals two people and fosters the faith of many.

Mass Readings – Saturday of the 3rd Week of Easter (#278)


Catholic Inspiration Archives