Tag Archives: Love your neighbor

6th Sunday of Easter: God’s command to love transforms our lives. Catholic Inspiration

Jesus commands us to love as a demonstration for our love for Him. As we put the Lord’s example into practice, we discover countless opportunities today to help us thrive with the love of Christ.

Mass Readings – 6th Sunday of Easter


15th Sunday of the Year: Love your neighbor. Catholic Inspiration

In this passage from the Gospel of Luke the Lord teaches his disciples that the term “neighbor” applies to all people, regardless of race, color, religion or political view.  Using the example of the Good Samaritan, Jesus reveals how we are called to respond with mercy toward all.

Mass Readings – 15th Sunday of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: Always do the most important things. Catholic Inspiration

When asked what is the most important commandment, Jesus responds by citing Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Leviticus 19:18 and swiftly summarizes the life of faith by condensing the Ten Commandments down to two.  As we take these two crucial commandments to heart may they guide every aspect of our lives each and every day.

Mass Readings – Friday of the 3rd Week of Lent


Catholic Inspiration Archives

31st Sunday of the Year: Love the Lord with all your heart

Study:  Consider an experience where you were unconditionally loved by another person.  How did their love change you?

Pray:  Is there someone in your life who is difficult to love right now?  Ask the Lord for the strength to love others like Christ.

Serve:  Love is not a feeling, but an act of the will.  How can you put your love for others into action today?

Mass Readings – 31st Sunday of the Year

We see some common themes in the readings this week:

  • 1st Reading – Love the Lord your God…heart, soul and strength
  • Psalm – “I love you, Lord, my strength.”
  • 2nd Reading – Jesus is forever our high priest
  • Gospel – The Greatest Commandments…Love God and neighbor

At first glance we might easily take these ideas for granted; most of us have grown up with our Christian faith and have heard these messages from childhood.  But what happens when we pause and reflect?

  1. God loves us, even when we make mistakes.
  2. God loves us, and invites us back into right relationship.
  3. God loves us, and keeps offering opportunities to grow in love.
  4. God loves us, and was born, lived, suffered, died and rose for us!

Loving God is not some melancholy obligation!  The Lord made us for love and through the gift of faith we are invited to grow in love with God and one another.  Simply put, each and every day we have the opportunity to become more and more like Christ – our teacher and example of love.

How can you foster God’s love in your life today?  How can you find ways to express and implement love in your relationships?  Our commandment to love finds its source, strength and glory in the love that God has for us.  May we receive the Lord’s love for us today as we share that love in all aspects of our lives.


Catholic Inspiration Archives

School Mass: Love, even when it’s hard. Catholic Inspiration

The kids at Cathedral School are reminded by the Lord’s command to love one another, even when it is hard.  That begs a question: who in your life is a challenge to love today?  Ask God for the grace to love them as the Lord loves us.


Catholic Inspiration Archives