Tag Archives: Lord’s Prayer

Daily Mass: This is how we are to pray. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.com

The Lord’s Prayer is a gift from Christ to help us pray in direct and focused language. May we use it often!

Mass Readings – Thursday of the 11th Week of the Year (#368)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: The Lord’s Prayer. Catholic Inspiration

Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray, and the Lord’s Prayer continues to powerfully sustain our spiritual lives today. May we offer these words from the heart, drawing close to the God and one another.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent (#224)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Prayer: The Lord teaches us how to pray. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.com

When asked by a disciple, Jesus teaches his followers how to pray.

Mass Readings – Wednesday of the 27th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

St. Pope John XXIII, pray for us!

Daily Mass: Christ commands us to forgive one another. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Christ emphasizes the Lord’s Prayer with the crucial command to forgive one another. May we take this essential teaching to heart and live it in our daily lives.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent


Catholic Inspiration Archives

St. John of God, pray for us!

Daily Mass: The Lord’s Prayer and the power of forgiveness. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Matthew’s Gospel offers the Lord’s Prayer – a powerful spiritual tool that speaks practically about the crucial role of forgiveness in our daily lives.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: Our Lady of the Rosary. Catholic Inspiration

On this feast of the Rosary we recall the power of the Lord’s Prayer in the context of the ministry and life of Jesus. May this beautiful prayer draw us closer to the Lord through the intercession of his mother, Mary.

Mass Readings – Our Lady of the Rosary

Daily Mass: The Lord’s Prayer. Catholic Inspiration

Hall of Tapestries, Vatican Museum, Rome

The Lord’s Prayer sums up with brevity and power some key elements of our faith. May this gift from Christ be a daily, regular reflection that unites us to God and one another.

Mass Readings – Thursday of the 11th Week of the Year


Daily Mass: The Lord’s Prayer. Catholic Inspiration

The Lord’s Prayer has strengthened the faith of millions of Christians through the centuries. May these words speak to our hearts today as we draw near to Christ and one another.

Mass Readings – Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent


Catholic Inspiration Archives

17th Sunday of the Year: The beauty and power of relationships

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Study:  Think about a best friend or cherished family member.  What qualities do you find particularly precious?

Pray:  Is there a relationship in your life in need of healing?  Ask the Lord for grace, wisdom, and guidance to make it happen.

Serve: Is there a relationship in your life that needs to be renewed?  What can you do to strengthen the connection?

Mass Readings – 17th Sunday of the Year

A thumbnail sketch of the readings this week looks something like this:

  • 1st Reading – Abraham haggles with God over the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah
  • Psalm – “Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me.”
  • 2nd Reading – We were buried in baptism and risen with Christ through his Cross
  • Gospel – The Lord’s prayer, a friend & neighbor, and a father & son

In all of these readings we see the power of relationships at work touching hearts and changing lives.  We are not meant to walk through this life (or the next) alone; rather, God calls us into communion and invites us to deepen the connections we have with the Lord and one another.  Looking at it this way, the readings point out that a relationship with God makes many things possible:

  • Abraham pleads and negotiates with God to try to save the people.
  • The Psalmist proclaims the Lord’s help in time of trial.
  • Our baptism connects us to Christ’s saving death & resurrection.
  • We can call God “father” and request, give, and seek for what we need.

Our relationship with the Lord is made possible through Jesus.  For remember, God makes it possible for us to draw near, and God invites us to enter into this very unequal relationship to raise us up as the Lord’s sons & daughters.  We’ve been “allowed in” to this intimate and tender connection with Christ.

And thus we are called to strengthen our relationships in two distinct ways – with the Lord and with the people in our lives.  That means we are called to consider how we might spend a little quality time building and strengthening our connections.  With the Lord that means Prayer, Sacraments, Service, and a Call to Holiness.  With other people it means forgiveness, charity, “wasting time” with loved ones in wholesome recreation, and seeking to bring out the best in one another.

And if something is wounded or broken…if a relationship is in need of healing – then ask the Lord for the grace to make it happen!  Remember:  the Lord calls us into relationships.  May we take the gift of today to strengthen these connections in our lives.


Catholic Inspiration Archives


Note: This post was first published on July 18, 2019.

Daily Mass: The power of the Lord’s Prayer. Catholic Inspiration

The Lord’s Prayer has shaped billions of Christians, offering a short, powerful prayer that cuts to the heart of the spiritual battles we face every day.  May we take a moment to reflect on some of the key insights of these words and allow them to transform our hearts.

Mass Readings – Thursday of the 11th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives