Tag Archives: Adultery

Daily Mass: The Lord speaks about adultery and divorce. Catholic Inspiration

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Jesus offers a challenging teaching about lust, adultery, and divorce. Recognizing that these concerns have been with humanity since the dawn of time, we look for ways to build up marriage and respond with God’s grace when life gets messy.

Mass Readings – Friday of the 10th Week of the Year (#363)


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Study, Pray, Serve: 6th Sunday of the Year

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Here are some of the themes in the readings for the 6th Sunday of the Year.

1st Reading – Sirach 15:15-20

  • Trusting in God and following the commandments bring us life and salvation.
  • God understands all our deeds and no one has license to sin.

Psalm – 119:1-2,4-5,17-18,33-34

  • “Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!”
  • Those who are blameless and observe the Lord’s decrees will live.

2nd Reading – 1st Corinthians 2:6-10

  • Paul preaches the wisdom of God as it has been revealed through the Spirit.

Gospel – Matthew 5:17-37

  • Jesus teaches how his commandments far exceed the precepts of the law.
  • The Lord speaks forcefully about killing, adultery, divorce and false oaths.

Mass Readings – 6th Sunday of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

Daily Mass: Jesus teaches about adultery and divorce. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

While we might be tempted to think that adultery and divorce are recent problems of modern society, the Lord’s teaching today reminds us that these issues have been with humanity from the beginning.

Mass Readings – Friday of the 10th Week of the Year


Catholic Inspiration Archives

5th Sunday of Lent – Claim the Mercy. Catholic Inspiration

Three Great Things

Fr. Andrew’s 5th Sunday of Lent Homily Podcast

We all sin, and sometimes our disastrous mistakes become public humiliations.  Yet like the woman in the Gospel today we encounter the Lord who simultaneously acknowledges the sin and blesses us with forgiving grace.  Through an honest appraisal of our hearts and an open acceptance of God’s love we can be renewed to live with power and joy.  Simply put, may we name the sin and claim the mercy.
