6th Sunday of Easter – Peace I give to you


Study: Recall a time when you experienced a profound sense of peace.  What made this possible?

Pray: Ask for God’s peace to touch your life and the those you love.

Serve: Consider ways you can share the peace of Christ with others.  Be an instrument of peace today.

6th Sunday of Easter Readings

I find the words of the Lord in the Gospel tremendously comforting:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give it to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”  (John 14:27)

How often do we need to hear these words!  How often do we find ourselves disturbed and upset by the frustrations and fears of life?!  And yet, Jesus – who knows us better than we know ourselves – consoles and comforts us with a peace that flows on the wings of the Holy Spirit from the heart of Heaven.

We crave peace: in our hearts, our homes, our work, our community.  There is a tranquility that comes when we are united with one another, free from discord, doubt and misunderstanding.  God’s peace empowers us to walk through the challenges of life with a quiet conviction that we will face whatever comes before us with the guidance of Christ.

Two key thoughts thus emerge:

  1. Where do I need to foster peace in my life?
  2. How can I share God’s peace with others?

Are there parts of my life that hunger for peace?  Bring them to prayer.  Are there ways that I can be an instrument of peace, in my own life and in the lives of others?  Act now.  God’s peace is for the asking and the Holy Spirit is present to renew us with this blessed gift.

May we leave behind our fears and anxieties, turning to Christ for the strength and guidance we need to embrace our lives with joy.

Peace be with you!

About Fr. Andrew Ricci

A Catholic priest since 1997, Fr. Andrew Ricci is currently the rector of the Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, WI. His website "Three Great Things" can be found at studyprayserve.com and his podcasts can be found under "Catholic Inspiration" in the iTunes store. View all posts by Fr. Andrew Ricci

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