Tag Archives: Humiliation

Walking with Mary on the Way of the Cross: Jesus is stripped. Catholic Inspiration

Photo by Alem Su00e1nchez on Pexels.com

This fourth installment of the Lenten Retreat focuses on the humiliation and shame associated with being stripped of dignity. As the Lord experiences some of the most painful aspects of mental anguish, we take comfort that he redeems it with His saving love.


Catholic Inspiration Archives

5th Sunday of Lent – Claim the Mercy. Catholic Inspiration

Three Great Things

Fr. Andrew’s 5th Sunday of Lent Homily Podcast

We all sin, and sometimes our disastrous mistakes become public humiliations.  Yet like the woman in the Gospel today we encounter the Lord who simultaneously acknowledges the sin and blesses us with forgiving grace.  Through an honest appraisal of our hearts and an open acceptance of God’s love we can be renewed to live with power and joy.  Simply put, may we name the sin and claim the mercy.
